This site includes information about products that are not manufactured by Intel. Information about these third-party products is provided to Intel by either the product manufacturer or vendor and Intel makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of this information.

Information on this site regarding third party motherboard products should not be relied upon in any way without checking with the motherboard manufacturer directly. Third party motherboards mentioned on this website have not been tested by Intel. For processors and motherboards, compatibility is determined using an algorithm that matches the hardware. See Help for details.

Not every available peripheral device has been tested. Inclusion on the hardware peripherals list should not be considered an endorsement by Intel. Intel makes no claims about peripherals that are not on the list. Where indicated, some products may have been tested by Intel or a third party.

Use of this information is at your own risk. Intel disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of all kind associated with third party products referenced herein. Intel makes no warranties, express or implied that any combination of products listed here are, in fact, compatible. The product manufacturer and/or vendors remain solely responsible for the design, sale and functionality of their products, including, without limitation, liability arising from product infringement or product performance. Please refer to the Legal Information below for additional disclaimers.